18 Sep 2024
 | 18 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

A large-eddy simulation analysis of collective wind-farm axial-induction control in the presence of blockage

Théo Delvaux and Johan Meyers

Abstract. Over the past few years, numerous studies have shown the detrimental impact of flow blockage on wind-farm power production. In the present work, we investigate the benefits of a simple collective axial-induction control strategy on power maximization and load reduction in the presence of blockage. To this end, we perform a series of large-eddy simulations (LES) over a wind-farm consisting of 100 IEA 15MW turbines, and build the wind-farm power and thrust coefficient curves for three different conventionally neutral boundary layer profiles. We show that the wind-farm power and thrust coefficient curves are much flatter than those of an isolated turbine. As a result, the wind-farm thrust coefficient becomes significantly more sensitive to the selected operating point than the power coefficient. Consequently, we find that the optimal wind-farm operating point considerably differs from the Betz limit in practice, particularly under high-blockage conditions. At the optimal point, the results reveal a minor power increase, accompanied by a load reduction of about 5 %, simultaneously. More interestingly, we show that in some cases the loads can be reduced by up to 19 %, at the expense of a power decrease of only 1 %.

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Théo Delvaux and Johan Meyers

Status: open (until 16 Oct 2024)

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Théo Delvaux and Johan Meyers
Théo Delvaux and Johan Meyers


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Short summary
The work explores the potential for wind farm load reduction and power maximization. We carried out a series of high-fidelity wind farm simulations (LES) for a wide variety of atmospheric conditions and operating regimes. Because of turbine-scale interactions and large-scale effects, we observed that the optimal wind farm operating point is reached at lower regimes. Therefore, we proposed three simple approaches with which thrust significantly decreases with only limited impact on power.