22 Oct 2024
 | 22 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Sensitivity analysis of numerical modeling input parameters on floating offshore wind turbine loads in extreme idling conditions

Will Wiley, Jason Jonkman, and Amy Robertson

Abstract. Floating offshore wind turbine systems are subject to complex environmental loads, with significant potential for damage in extreme storm conditions. Design simulations in these conditions are required to assess the survivability of the device with some level of confidence. Aero-hydro-servo-elastic engineering tools can be used with a reasonable balance of accuracy and computational efficiency. The models require many input parameters to describe the air and water conditions, the system properties, and the load calculations. Each of these parameters has some possible range, either due to statistical uncertainty or variations with time. Variation in the input parameters can have important effects on the uncertainty in the resulting loads, but it is not practically possible to perform detailed assessments of the impact of this uncertainty for every input parameter. This work demonstrates a method to identify the input parameters that have the most impact on the loads to focus further inspection. The process is specifically done for extreme storm load cases defined in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) design requirements for floating offshore wind turbines. The analysis was performed using the International Energy Agency (IEA) Wind 15-MW offshore reference wind turbine atop the UMaine VolturnUS-S reference platform in two U.S. offshore wind regions, the Gulf of Maine and Humboldt Bay. It was found that the direction of incident waves and current, yaw misalignment, and the length of mooring line sections were among the primary sensitivities.

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Will Wiley, Jason Jonkman, and Amy Robertson

Status: open (until 19 Nov 2024)

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Will Wiley, Jason Jonkman, and Amy Robertson
Will Wiley, Jason Jonkman, and Amy Robertson


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Short summary
Numerical models, used to assess loads on floating offshore wind turbines, require many input parameters to describe air and water conditions, system properties, and load calculations. All parameters have some possible range, due to uncertainty and/or variations with time. The selected values can have important effects on the uncertainty in the resulting loads. This work identifies the input parameters that have the most impact on ultimate and fatigue loads for extreme storm load cases.
Special issue