15 Nov 2024
 | 15 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Experimental Validation of Parked Loads for a Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: Wind-Wave Basin Tests

Md Sanower Hossain and D. Todd Griffith

Abstract. Parked loads are a major design load case for vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) because of persistent high loads on the rotor when in standstill conditions. This paper examines the aerodynamic parked loads of model-scale floating troposkein VAWTs tested in a wind-wave basin to support development and validation of a parked loads model for floating VAWTs. We analyze the effects of wind speed, and turbine solidity (varying number of blades), and rotor azimuth on parked loads and investigate the impact of different platform conditions (comparing locked (fixed tower base) versus floating cases with and without waves). The experimental results indicate that parked loads (for both locked and floating platform conditions) and amplitude of turbine tilting increases with the wind speed, which is expected. The parked loads also increase with the increase of solidity, however the variation in loads in a revolution decreases for 3 blades versus 2 blades. If only aerodynamic parked loads are considered, the turbine with a floating platform exhibits lower parked loads compared to turbine with a locked platform (fixed base) due to the effect of the tilted condition of the floating platform. Moreover, comparison between floating with wind and wave, and floating with wind only cases show that although both exhibits park loads of similar magnitude, the former exhibits more high frequency variation due to coupled effects of wind, wave, and floating platform dynamics. Additionally, we present a semi-numerical tool for estimating parked loads of VAWTs that we improved and validated to predict the floating parked loads. The analytical model accurately predicted the parked load behavior of VAWTs for the range of effects noted above. The datasets from this experimental work can serve as benchmarks for validating other computational parked load estimating tools.

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Md Sanower Hossain and D. Todd Griffith

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on wes-2024-156', Anonymous Referee #1, 02 Dec 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on wes-2024-156', Anonymous Referee #2, 05 Dec 2024
Md Sanower Hossain and D. Todd Griffith
Md Sanower Hossain and D. Todd Griffith


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Short summary
The document presents an experimental study on the parked loads of floating vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) in a wind and waves basin, focusing on the effects of wind speed, solidity, and floating platform dynamics. Findings show that higher wind speed, and higher solidity generally increase the parked loads, while a floating platform introduces additional effects due to tilting. A semi-numerical model was also presented to predict the parked loads, which helps enhance VAWT design.
Special issue