15 Nov 2024
 | 15 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Analysis and calibration of optimal power balance rotor-effective wind speed estimation schemes for large-scale wind turbines

Atindriyo Kusumo Pamososuryo, Fabio Spagnolo, and Sebastiaan Paul Mulders

Abstract. Modern wind turbines' size growth creates challenges in their control system design, particularly due to greater wind variability across larger rotor areas. As modern turbine control systems rely on the availability of accurate wind speed information, the increasing unrepresentativeness of pointwise measurement devices, such as anemometers, necessitates the incorporation of more representative rotor-effective wind speed (REWS) estimation. Classical REWS estimators, based on static power relations, often fail to account for dynamic changes, leading to inaccurate estimation. To overcome these challenges, this paper introduces a power balance-based REWS estimation framework and splits the estimation problem into two modules: an aerodynamic power estimator and a wind speed estimate solver. Two possible aerodynamic power estimation techniques are discussed based on numerical derivative and state estimation. As state estimator calibration remained a challenge for varying wind turbine sizes, a gain-tailoring method for the performance calibration throughout a range of modern wind turbine sizes has been derived for the state estimation-based aerodynamic power estimator. Two types of wind speed estimate solvers are analyzed, namely the continuous and iterative single-step methods. From the two modules, the best-performing methods—the state-estimation aerodynamic power estimator and iterative single-step wind speed solver—are chosen to form the optimal power balance REWS estimator. The combined optimal estimator is validated through OpenFAST simulations of the NREL-5MW and IEA-22MW turbines and compared against a baseline method. The proposed method demonstrates good tracking of the REWS, better noise resilience, and convenient estimator gain calibration across different turbine sizes.

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Atindriyo Kusumo Pamososuryo, Fabio Spagnolo, and Sebastiaan Paul Mulders

Status: open (until 23 Dec 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on wes-2024-158', Anonymous Referee #1, 08 Dec 2024 reply
Atindriyo Kusumo Pamososuryo, Fabio Spagnolo, and Sebastiaan Paul Mulders
Atindriyo Kusumo Pamososuryo, Fabio Spagnolo, and Sebastiaan Paul Mulders


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Short summary
As wind turbines grow in size, measuring wind speed accurately becomes harder, impacting their performance. Traditional sensors cannot capture wind variations across large rotor areas. To address this, a new method is developed to estimate wind speed accurately, accounting for these variations. Using mid-fidelity simulations, our approach showed better tracking, noise resilience, and easy tuning for different turbine sizes.