09 Dec 2024
 | 09 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

A small-scale and autonomous testbed for three-line delta kites applied to airborne wind energy

Francisco DeLosRíos-Navarrete, Jorge González-García, Iván Castro-Fernández, and Gonzalo Sánchez-Arriaga

Abstract. A mechanical control system and the guidance and control modules of a small-scale and autonomous testbed for three-line kites applied to airborne wind energy are presented. It extends the capabilities of a previous developed infrastructure by (i) changing the actuation system to add a third tether to control the kite pitch angle, (ii) adding running line tensiometers to measure the three tether tensions while allowing tether reel-in and reel-out, and on-board load cells to measure the bridle tensions, (iii) a real-time control system to operate the kite autonomously in figure-eight trajectories. A controller based on a hybrid guidance scheme for figure-eight flight paths, which combines attractor points for the straight segments and a continuous heading angle tracking for the turns, was implemented and validated in an experimental campaign. Two flights of the campaign were used to illustrate the performance of the controller and its capability to adjust the lateral amplitude, elevation and radius of the turns by varying a few parameters of the guidance module. The proposed control scheme was proven effective in achieving satisfactory and repeatable figure-eight paths. The experimental data collected during the autonomous flight was used to investigate the dynamics and control of the kite and the tethers. A correlation between the heading and roll angles of the kite was identified and modeled with a simple analytical law with empirical coefficients. Similarly to previous works on airborne wind energy, a linear relation between the derivative of the course angle and the steering input was found. The analysis of the on-ground tensiometers and the on-board load cells revealed a variable time delay up to 0.2 s between both measurements. The work shows that the testbed and its instruments are suitable to investigate the effect of tether sagging and to develop and test controllers for airborne wind energy systems.

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Francisco DeLosRíos-Navarrete, Jorge González-García, Iván Castro-Fernández, and Gonzalo Sánchez-Arriaga

Status: open (until 06 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC1: 'Comment on wes-2024-170', Joe Faust, 10 Dec 2024 reply
    • EC1: 'Reply on CC1', Roland Schmehl, 10 Dec 2024 reply
Francisco DeLosRíos-Navarrete, Jorge González-García, Iván Castro-Fernández, and Gonzalo Sánchez-Arriaga
Francisco DeLosRíos-Navarrete, Jorge González-García, Iván Castro-Fernández, and Gonzalo Sánchez-Arriaga


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Short summary
This work presents a small-scale machine capable of flying delta kites with 3 lines for Airborne Wind Energy research, that is, the extraction of energy from high-altitude winds using aircraft. Its built-in controller allows it to operate autonomously, demonstrated by two test flights which are presented and compared. Additionally, the results obtained by the analysis of the data will help to further improve the control and better understand the behavior of these devices.