19 Dec 2024
 | 19 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Estimating microplastics emissions from offshore wind turbine blades in the Dutch North Sea

Marco Caboni, Anna Elisa Schwarz, Henk Slot, and Harald van der Mijle Meijer

Abstract. The continued expansion of offshore wind energy raises concerns regarding the microplastics released from wind turbine blades due to leading edge erosion. Currently, the literature lacks reliable and transparent estimates of microplastic formation and emissions from wind turbines. To bridge this knowledge gap, we employed state-of-the-art models to analytically evaluate the release of microplastics resulting from wind turbine blades' leading edge erosion. This was achieved by integrating measured offshore weather data with a fatigue-based erosion model. We then applied and extrapolated this methodology to estimate microplastics emissions from all offshore wind turbines installed in the Dutch North Sea and compared these estimates to other sources of microplastics in The Netherlands. Our estimates indicate that microplastic emissions from a modern offshore wind turbine equipped with a polyurethane-based leading edge protection system are approximately 240 grams per year. Using this value, we estimated the current emissions from all wind turbines installed in the Dutch North Sea. Our projections suggest that the current emissions from Dutch offshore wind turbine blades, amounting to 100 kilograms per year, are approximately one thousand times lower than the total offshore microplastic emissions in the Netherlands when considering other sources, such as the paints and coatings of marine vessels.

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Marco Caboni, Anna Elisa Schwarz, Henk Slot, and Harald van der Mijle Meijer

Status: open (until 16 Jan 2025)

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Marco Caboni, Anna Elisa Schwarz, Henk Slot, and Harald van der Mijle Meijer
Marco Caboni, Anna Elisa Schwarz, Henk Slot, and Harald van der Mijle Meijer
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 19 Dec 2024
Short summary
In this study, we assessed the total quantity of microplastics emitted by wind turbines currently operating in the Dutch North Sea. The estimate of microplastics currently emitted from offshore wind turbines in The Netherlands account for a very small portion of the total microplastics released offshore in The Netherlands, specifically less than one per mille.