09 Jan 2025
 | 09 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Experimental demonstration of regenerative wind farming using a high-density layout of VAWTs

David Bensason, Jayant Mulay, Andrea Sciacchitano, and Carlos Ferreira

Abstract. The present study extends the idea of the VAWT "vortex generator mode" for wake recovery on a wind farm scale, working towards the concept of "regenerative wind farming", where upstream turbines entrain vertical momentum for those downstream. An experimental wind tunnel demonstration of the "regenerative wind farming" concept for an array of nine H-type VAWTs arranged in a 3x3 grid layout is performed. Volumetric particle tracking velocimetry measures the wake within the simulated wind farm while using two "vortex generator modes" achieved through fixed blade pitch. The results demonstrate the strong dependence of the wake topology of a VAWT on the streamwise vorticity system, which can be effectively modified by pitching the blades and subsequently changing the load distribution of the different quadrants of a VAWT. An increase in momentum entrainment in the wake is observed for both "vortex generator modes" of operation, highlighting the potential towards the goal of "regenerative wind farming." The derived available power within the farm increases by factors of 6.4 and 2.1 for the pitch-in and -out cases compared to the baseline case, respectively, considering potential rotors directly in line with those upwind.

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David Bensason, Jayant Mulay, Andrea Sciacchitano, and Carlos Ferreira

Status: open (until 06 Feb 2025)

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David Bensason, Jayant Mulay, Andrea Sciacchitano, and Carlos Ferreira
David Bensason, Jayant Mulay, Andrea Sciacchitano, and Carlos Ferreira
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 09 Jan 2025
Short summary
The wake of a scaled vertical-axis wind turbine farm was measured, resulting in the first experimental database of 3D-resovled flowfield measurements. In addition to the baseline operating conditions, two modes of wake control were tested, which involve the passive adjustment of the rotors blade pitch. The results highlight the impacts of these modes adjustments on the trailing vorticity system, wake topology, and affinity towards increasing the rate of wake recovery throughout the farm.