04 Jun 2024
 | 04 Jun 2024
Status: a revised version of this preprint was accepted for the journal WES and is expected to appear here in due course.

Functional Specifications and Testing Requirements of Grid-Forming Offshore Wind Power Plants

Sulav Ghimire, Gabriel M. G. Guerreiro, Kanakesh Vatta Kkuni, Emerson David Guest, Kim Høj Jensen, Guangya Yang, and Xiongfei Wang

Abstract. Throughout the past few years, various transmission system operators (TSOs) and research institutes have defined several functional specifications for grid-forming (GFM) converters via grid codes, white papers, and technical documents. These institutes and organisations also proposed testing requirements for general inverter-based resources (IBRs) and specific GFM converters. This paper initially reviews functional specifications and testing requirements from several sources to create an understanding of GFM capabilities in general. Furthermore, it proposes an outlook of the defined GFM capabilities, functional specifications, and testing requirements for offshore wind power plant (OF WPP) applications from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) perspective. Finally, this paper briefly establishes the relevance of new testing methodologies for equipment-level certification and model validation, focusing on GFM functional specifications.

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Short summary
This paper reviews the technical behaviour defined for a specific control method named...