05 Sep 2024
 | 05 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Modular deep learning approach for wind farm power forecasting and wake loss prediction

Stijn Ally, Timothy Verstraeten, Pieter-Jan Daems, Ann Nowé, and Jan Helsen

Abstract. Power production of offshore wind farms depends on many parameters and is significantly affected by wake losses. Due to the variability of wind power and its rapidly increasing share in the total energy mix, accurate forecasting of the power production of a wind farm becomes increasingly important. This paper presents a novel data-driven methodology to construct a fast and accurate wind farm power model. The deep learning model is not limited to steady-state situations, but captures also the influence of temporal wind dynamics and the farm power controller on the power production of the wind farm. With a multi-component pipeline, multiple weather forecasts of meteorological forecast providers are incorporated to generate farm power forecasts over multiple time horizons. Furthermore, in conjunction with a data-driven turbine power model, the wind farm model can be used also to predict the wake losses. The proposed methodology includes a quantification of the prediction uncertainty, which is important for trading and power control applications. A key advantage of the data-driven approach is the high prediction speed compared to physics-based methods, such that it can be employed for applications where faster than real-time power forecasting is required. It is shown that accuracy of the proposed power prediction model is better than for some baseline machine learning models. The methodology is demonstrated for two large real-world offshore wind farms located within the Belgian-Dutch wind farm cluster in the North Sea.

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Stijn Ally, Timothy Verstraeten, Pieter-Jan Daems, Ann Nowé, and Jan Helsen

Status: open (until 03 Oct 2024)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on wes-2024-94', Anonymous Referee #1, 05 Sep 2024 reply
Stijn Ally, Timothy Verstraeten, Pieter-Jan Daems, Ann Nowé, and Jan Helsen
Stijn Ally, Timothy Verstraeten, Pieter-Jan Daems, Ann Nowé, and Jan Helsen


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Short summary
Wind farms play an important role in the energy transition. Unfortunately, the power production of wind farms can fluctuate heavily and depends on many parameters. It is, however, crucial that there is always an equilibrium between electricity production and consumption. Therefore it is important to have accurate power forecasts. This paper presents a methodology, based on machine learning, to generate better farm power forecasts, enabling better scheduling, trading and balancing of wind energy.