22 Aug 2017
 | 22 Aug 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal WES but the revision was not accepted.

Numerical simulation of non-neutral forest canopy flows at a site in North-Eastern France

Cian J. Desmond, Simon J. Watson, Christiane Montavon, and Jimmy Murphy

Abstract. The flow over densely forested terrain under neutral and non-neutral conditions is considered using commercially available Computational Fluid Dynamics software. Results are validated against data from a site in North-Eastern France. It is shown that the effects of both neutral and stable atmospheric stratifications can be modelled numerically using state of the art methodologies whilst unstable stratifications are more difficult to simulate accurately. The sensitivity of the numerical model to parameters such as canopy height, canopy density and the turbulence modelling constant Cμ is also assessed.

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Cian J. Desmond, Simon J. Watson, Christiane Montavon, and Jimmy Murphy
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Cian J. Desmond, Simon J. Watson, Christiane Montavon, and Jimmy Murphy
Cian J. Desmond, Simon J. Watson, Christiane Montavon, and Jimmy Murphy


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Short summary
The flow over densely forested terrain under neutral and non-neutral conditions is considered using commercially available Computational Fluid Dynamics software. Results are validated against data from a site in North-Eastern France. It is shown that the effects of both neutral and stable atmospheric stratifications can be modelled numerically using state of the art methodologies whilst unstable stratifications remain elusive.