14 May 2018
 | 14 May 2018
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Control-oriented Linear Dynamic Wind Farm Flow and Operation Model

Jonas Kazda and Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis

Abstract. The use of dynamic wind farm flow models is beneficial for power reference following wind farm control. However, currently investigated flow models are non-linear and computationally expensive, while common control approaches require fast, linear models. This work presents a novel wind farm operation modelling approach named the Dynamic Flow Predictor. The Dynamic Flow Predictor was developed with the objective to provide predictions of wind speed and turbine power using a computationally effective, linear, dynamic state space model. The model estimates wind turbine aerodynamic interaction using a linearized engineering wake model in combination with a delay process. Simulations of two turbines and eight turbines in SimWindFarm show that the Dynamic Flow Predictor can provide accurate estimates and predictions of wind turbine rotor effective wind speed and power. Additionally, the Dynamic Flow Predictor is computationally effective as it requires only 5 % of the states of a comparable, dynamic 2D CFD model. The presented modelling approach is thus well suited for the use in wind farm control, while it is envisioned that the model can also be useful for wind turbine control and as a virtual wind turbine sensor.

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Jonas Kazda and Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis

Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Jonas Kazda and Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis
Jonas Kazda and Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis


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Latest update: 06 Mar 2025

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Short summary
This work presents the Dynamic Flow Predictor, which was developed with the objective to provide predictions of wind speed and turbine power in a wind farm using a computationally effective, control-oriented model. Dynamic simulations of test wind farms have demonstrated the accuracy of the Dynamic Flow Predictor. The employed modelling approach in the Dynamic Flow Predictor is well suited for the use in wind farm control, wind turbine control and as a virtual wind turbine sensor.