14 Oct 2019
 | 14 Oct 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

CFD based design of diffuser augmented wind turbines

Ertem Vehid

Abstract. Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbines (DAWTs) are promising regarding energy costs by increasing the energy output without changing the rotor size. The project focuses on numeric investigations of the Generalized Actuator Disc (GAD)theory. This study aims to develop a new diffuser augmented wind turbine by following existing diffuser design concepts which are diffuser with single-element and diffuser with multi-elements. It consists of two main parts: the design of diffuser and the design of rotor. The numeric investigations for diffuser design were carried out on the Star-CCM+. Rotor geometries, which were designed with an edited version of Glauert Optimization Method, concluded the evaluation of the optimized diffuser designs by comparing the performance increase. A steady-BEM code, which was adopted to model diffuser augmented turbines, was used in the process. It is found that all the design options result in significant performance increases in comparison to the bare rotor. However, the single-element diffuser is the optimum design, among others, due to its high-performance increase with less design complexity.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Ertem Vehid

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Interactive discussion

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Ertem Vehid
Ertem Vehid


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This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
Three diffuser augmented wind turbines with separate diffuser concepts were designed by carrying out a series of numeric investigations and a self-developed design optimization process. Single element diffuser was found as the optimum concept based on performance increase and design complexity. The results also highlighted the applicability of diffusers on existing bare rotor geometries. The turbine performances were evaluated by using an edited version of BEM, which was adopted to DAWTs.