04 May 2020
 | 04 May 2020
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal WES but the revision was not accepted.

Potential of load and O&M costs reductions of Multi Rotor System for the south Baltic Sea

Maciej Karczewski, Piotr Domagalski, Arnoldus van Wingerde, Bernhard Stoevesandt, Peter Jamieson, and Lars Roar Saetran

Abstract. Many coastal regions in Norway, Spain, Portugal, Japan or the United States are comprised of large water depths (> 50 m) making the installation of typical bottom-fixed off-shore wind turbines very difficult and expensive. This is the reason why the floating wind turbines (FOWT) are a promising solution able to exploit the high energy potential contained in these regions. The Advanced Multi-Rotor Turbine for Deep Water Off-shore Energy (AMRowe) has been undertaken to design and develop a cost–competitive, innovative floating Polish multi rotor system, aiming at the optimal usage of European off-shore wind potential. In the article, a prospective deep off-shore location in the south Baltic Sea is identified. The authors built a cost model to prove its superiority over the sites already commissioned by the Polish government. A set of metocean conditions tallied for a 50-year period is used to assess performance of the proposed multi rotor floating wind turbine and to benchmark it against a single rotor 5 MW baseline turbine. The typical load cases are also investigated to observe impact on a single rotor blade in an multi-rotor arrangement in order to begin search for the key design drivers.

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Maciej Karczewski, Piotr Domagalski, Arnoldus van Wingerde, Bernhard Stoevesandt, Peter Jamieson, and Lars Roar Saetran
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Maciej Karczewski, Piotr Domagalski, Arnoldus van Wingerde, Bernhard Stoevesandt, Peter Jamieson, and Lars Roar Saetran
Maciej Karczewski, Piotr Domagalski, Arnoldus van Wingerde, Bernhard Stoevesandt, Peter Jamieson, and Lars Roar Saetran


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Short summary
The paper presents a concept of a multi-rotor system as a floating off-shore wind turbine. The results show that it may be an alternative to conventional wind turbines and even be cheaper in a long run, thus lowering the cost of energy to consumers. It may also solve technological barriers. The motivation for research was the idea of providing a technology vision for regions, where certain local supply chain can be employed to revitalize the shipyard industry while using renewable energy.