12 Jun 2024
 | 12 Jun 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

A Comprehensive Design Methodology of Shared Mooring Line Configurations for Assessing Mooring Costs and Performances of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

Qi Pan, Dexing Liu, Feng Guo, and Po Wen Cheng

Abstract. Shared moorings possess the potential to create more cost-effective designs for large-scale deployments of floating wind farms than conventional mooring configurations. Existing stiffness linearization methods are valuable for conceptual designs, but are limited by the assumption of small floater offsets, which can lead to impractical mooring designs. Additionally, current studies lack consensus on determining offset limits. To address these limitations and improve the reliability of shared mooring designs, this paper presents a comprehensive design methodology. This approach synthesizes realistic line characteristics, considers nonlinear mooring stiffness, incorporates multiple design constraints, and integrates wind-farm layouts to achieve diverse design objectives. By employing the design method, both conventional and shared mooring designs are generated, and the cost-saving potential of shared moorings is revealed. The mooring cost distribution for shared mooring designs skews towards lower costs compared to conventional designs, showing 11 % and 14 % savings in the maximum material costs, respectively, for the two-turbine and three-turbine arrays in water depths of 200 m. This updates the findings of existing linear methods that shared moorings can be cost-effective in water depths exceeding 400 m. In addition, dynamic simulations demonstrate that the distance-driven shared mooring line configuration improves the mean power production by 2.3 % for the downstream turbine in the three-turbine array, despite a notable increase in the horizontal offset of the downstream model and a shortened mooring fatigue life of the upstream model. This paper provides insights into shared mooring designs and highlights the advantages of shared mooring designs in terms of material cost saving and power improvement, as well as the challenges related to platform motion and mooring line fatigue. These findings contribute to the development of cost-effective mooring solutions for floating wind projects.

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Qi Pan, Dexing Liu, Feng Guo, and Po Wen Cheng

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on wes-2024-44', Anonymous Referee #1, 28 Jun 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on wes-2024-44', Anonymous Referee #2, 02 Jul 2024
  • AC1: 'Comment on wes-2024-44', Qi Pan, 08 Aug 2024
Qi Pan, Dexing Liu, Feng Guo, and Po Wen Cheng
Qi Pan, Dexing Liu, Feng Guo, and Po Wen Cheng


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Short summary
The floating wind market is striving to scale up from a handful of prototypes to gigawatt-scale capacity, despite facing barriers of high costs in the deep-sea deployment. Shared mooring is promising in reducing material costs. This paper introduces a comprehensive design methodology for reliable shared mooring line configurations, and reveals their potential for cost-saving and power enhancement. These findings contribute to achieving cost-effective solutions for floating wind farms.