15 May 2024
 | 15 May 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Extension of the Langevin power curve analysis by separation per operational state

Christian Wiedemann, Hendrik Bette, Matthias Wächter, Jan A. Freund, Thomas Guhr, and Joachim Peinke

Abstract. In the last few years, the dynamical characterization of the power output of a wind turbine by means of a Langevin equation has been well established. For this approach, temporally highly resolved measurements of wind speed and power output are used to obtain the drift and diffusion coefficients of the energy conversion process. These coefficients fully determine a Langevin stochastic differential equation with Gaussian white noise. We show that the dynamics of the power output of a wind turbine have a hidden dependency on turbine's different operational states. Here, we use an approach based on clustering Pearson correlation matrices for different observables on a moving time window to identify different operational states. We have identified five operational states in total, for example the state of rated power. Those different operational states distinguish non-stationary behavior in the mutual dependencies and represent different turbine control settings. As a next step, we condition our Langevin analysis on these different states to reveal distinctly different behaviors of the power conversion process for each operational state. Moreover, in our new representation hysteresis effects which have typically appeared in the Langevin dynamics of wind turbines seem to be resolved. We assign these typically observed hysteresis effects clearly to the change of the wind energy system between our estimated different operational states.

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Christian Wiedemann, Hendrik Bette, Matthias Wächter, Jan A. Freund, Thomas Guhr, and Joachim Peinke

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on wes-2024-52', Anonymous Referee #1, 30 May 2024 reply
Christian Wiedemann, Hendrik Bette, Matthias Wächter, Jan A. Freund, Thomas Guhr, and Joachim Peinke
Christian Wiedemann, Hendrik Bette, Matthias Wächter, Jan A. Freund, Thomas Guhr, and Joachim Peinke


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Short summary
This study utilizes a method to analyze power conversion dynamics across different operational states, addressing non-stationarity with a correlation matrix algorithm. Findings reveal distinct dynamics for each state, emphasizing their impact on system behavior and offering a solution to hysteresis effects in power conversion dynamics.