16 Aug 2024
 | 16 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Mitigation of Power System Oscillations in Wind Farm Integrated Multi-Machine System using PSS and TCSC

Qurratulain, Emad Jamil, Salman Hameed, Rupendra Kumar Pachauri, Baseem Khan, and Ahmed Ali

Abstract. Nowadays, the rapid growth of wind power is utilized by integrating wind farm with electrical network. The induction generator used in the wind farms, on the appearance of fault create the sub synchronous resonance as well as power oscillations. This paper reports the mitigation of power system oscillations by using power system stabilizer aided TCSC. For analyzing the performance of the wind-farm integrated test system, various parameters (line power, bus voltages, rotor angle deviation, active & re-active power) of the test system are observed under random speed variation with different types of faults. The PSS and TCSC are used to stabilize the resulting over damped oscillations system parameters. The settling time of the oscillations of one parameter is reduced by 45.14 % when coordinated PSS and TCSC is used in place of PSS alone. After rigorous comparison, it is found that the presented TCSC exhibits excellent performance in fast damping of power system oscillation and thereby enhances the stability of the existing system.

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Qurratulain, Emad Jamil, Salman Hameed, Rupendra Kumar Pachauri, Baseem Khan, and Ahmed Ali

Status: open (until 13 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on wes-2024-75', Anonymous Referee #1, 01 Sep 2024 reply
Qurratulain, Emad Jamil, Salman Hameed, Rupendra Kumar Pachauri, Baseem Khan, and Ahmed Ali
Qurratulain, Emad Jamil, Salman Hameed, Rupendra Kumar Pachauri, Baseem Khan, and Ahmed Ali


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Short summary
This paper reports the mitigation of power system oscillations by using power system stabilizer aided TCSC. For analyzing the performance of the wind-farm integrated test system, various parameters (line power, bus voltages, rotor angle deviation, active & re-active power) of the test system are observed under random speed variation with different types of faults.