31 Jan 2025
 | 31 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Non-linear interaction between synchronous generator and GFM controlled wind turbines – Inertial effect enhancement and oscillations mitigation

Chinmayi Wagh, Johan Boukhenfouf, Frédéric Colas, Luis Rouco, and Xavier Guillaud

Abstract. The integration of grid-forming (GFM) controlled wind turbines into AC grids introduces complex dynamic interactions that significantly influence its behavior on the AC side. This study explores the nonlinear coupling between wind turbines and AC grids and propose strategies for the enhancement of the inertial effect and the mitigation of oscillations which can arise in case of an AC event. A simplified synthetic model is developed to elucidate the physical insights of these interactions. The findings reveal that wind turbine dynamics has an impact on the inertial contribution and introduce oscillatory behavior under certain conditions. Advanced control strategies are then proposed. They include the integration of input shaping filters and lead-lag compensation to optimize inertial response and dampen mechanical oscillations. The theoretical analysis, validated through simulation, demonstrates the effectiveness and limitations of these methods in enhancing the AC side behavior without compromising the performance of the mechanical system.

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Chinmayi Wagh, Johan Boukhenfouf, Frédéric Colas, Luis Rouco, and Xavier Guillaud

Status: open (until 06 Mar 2025)

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Chinmayi Wagh, Johan Boukhenfouf, Frédéric Colas, Luis Rouco, and Xavier Guillaud
Chinmayi Wagh, Johan Boukhenfouf, Frédéric Colas, Luis Rouco, and Xavier Guillaud


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Short summary
The emergence of inverter-based resources has brought significant changes to power system analysis. Nowadays, grid-forming control is seen as a solution to stabilize the system but most of the studies consider a constant DC bus. This paper introduces wind turbine dynamics and studies the interaction between wind turbine, grid-forming, and the AC grid. Using a simplified model an undamped oscillation is highlighted and analyzed. To mitigate it, two filters are proposed and compared.