21 Feb 2025
 | 21 Feb 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Airborne wind energy system test bench electrical emulator

Carolina Nicolás-Martín, David Santos-Martín, Francisco DeLosRíos-Navarrete, and Jorge González-García

Abstract. Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES) offer a promising alternative to conventional wind turbines, but their commercialization is hindered by challenges in efficiently converting the highly dynamic mechanical power of tethered flight into stable electrical energy. While extensive research has focused on optimizing AWES flight trajectories and control strategies, the power conversion stage, which is critical for integrating AWES into electrical grids, is relatively under-researched. To bridge this gap, reliable and flexible electrical test bench emulators are needed to replicate AWES dynamics under controlled conditions, enabling systematic evaluation and optimization of power electronics and control strategies.

This paper presents a validated electrical test bench emulator and a torque ripple-optimized Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy designed to enhance the performance of AWES ground station generators. The proposed emulator accurately reproduces the mechanical-electrical interactions of a real AWES by simulating the variable tether forces and reeling dynamics encountered during optimal crosswind flight. Two electrical topologies are introduced: a separated DC bus configuration that closely mimics real AWES energy storage dynamics and a common DC bus topology that minimizes battery requirements for extended control testing. The proposed MPC strategy ensures precise generator speed and torque regulation, achieving less than 1 % root mean square error (RMSE) in torque tracking while optimizing energy efficiency.

Using experimental flight data, the test bench demonstrates an overall energy efficiency exceeding 80 % and peak conversion efficiencies up to 93 %, with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators (PMSG) outperforming Induction Machines (IM) by 2–6 % in instantaneous efficiency. These findings establish electrical test benches as essential for AWES development, offering a scalable platform for optimizing power conversion and control, which advances AWES as a viable renewable energy technology.

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Carolina Nicolás-Martín, David Santos-Martín, Francisco DeLosRíos-Navarrete, and Jorge González-García

Status: open (until 02 Apr 2025)

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Carolina Nicolás-Martín, David Santos-Martín, Francisco DeLosRíos-Navarrete, and Jorge González-García
Carolina Nicolás-Martín, David Santos-Martín, Francisco DeLosRíos-Navarrete, and Jorge González-García


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Short summary
Airborne wind energy (AWE) systems use tethered aircraft to harness high-altitude winds, offering a cost-effective alternative to wind turbines. This study develops and tests an emulator that replicates AWE power generation, optimizing energy conversion with advanced control techniques. Our results improve system efficiency and reliability, supporting AWE’s commercialization as a scalable, sustainable energy source with lower infrastructure demands.