Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
20 Jan 2017
Research article |  | 20 Jan 2017

Comparison of a coupled near- and far-wake model with a free-wake vortex code

Georg Pirrung, Vasilis Riziotis, Helge Madsen, Morten Hansen, and Taeseong Kim


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Short summary
The certification process of a wind turbine requires simulations of a coupled structural and aerodynamic wind turbine model in many different external conditions. Due to the large number of load cases, the complexity of the aerodynamics models has to be limited. In this paper, a simplified vortex method based aerodynamics model is described. It is shown that this model, which is fast enough for use in a certification context, can produce results similar to those of a more complex vortex model.
Final-revised paper