Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
19 Jun 2017
Research article |  | 19 Jun 2017

Vortex particle-mesh simulations of vertical axis wind turbine flows: from the airfoil performance to the very far wake

Philippe Chatelain, Matthieu Duponcheel, Denis-Gabriel Caprace, Yves Marichal, and Grégoire Winckelmans


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Short summary
Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) operate through inherently unsteady aerodynamics, unlike their horizontal axis counterparts (HAWTs). This greatly affects the structure of the wake, i.e., the region of velocity deficit and increased turbulence downstream of the machine. In this work, we use an advanced vortex method to identify the flow structures and instabilities at work in the decay of a VAWT wake, a crucial step if one wishes to optimize this decay or perform the design of VAWT farms.
Final-revised paper