Articles | Volume 3, issue 2
Research article
12 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 12 Sep 2018

Control design, implementation, and evaluation for an in-field 500 kW wind turbine with a fixed-displacement hydraulic drivetrain

Sebastiaan Paul Mulders, Niels Frederik Boudewijn Diepeveen, and Jan-Willem van Wingerden


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Short summary
The modeling, operating strategy, and controller design for an actual in-field wind turbine with a fixed-displacement hydraulic drivetrain are presented. An analysis is given on a passive torque control strategy for below-rated operation. The turbine lacks the option to influence the system torque by a generator, so the turbine is regulated by a spear valve in the region between below- and above-rated operation. The control design is evaluated on a real-world 500 kW hydraulic wind turbine.
Final-revised paper