Articles | Volume 4, issue 2
Research article
15 May 2019
Research article |  | 15 May 2019

Qualitative yaw stability analysis of free-yawing downwind turbines

Gesine Wanke, Morten Hartvig Hansen, and Torben Juul Larsen


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Short summary
In this paper the results of the stability analysis of a free-yawing downwind turbine are shown and the turbine's ability to align the rotor passively with the wind direction is investigated. The results show that a tilt angle causes the equilibrium yaw position of free-yawing downwind to be non-zero. It is shown that an increase in cone angle can stabilize the free-yaw mode significantly, while blade flapwise flexibility will increase the risk of an instability of the free-yaw mode.
Final-revised paper