Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Research article
23 May 2022
Research article |  | 23 May 2022

High-Reynolds-number investigations on the ability of the full-scale e-TellTale sensor to detect flow separation on a wind turbine blade section

Antoine Soulier, Caroline Braud, Dimitri Voisin, and Frédéric Danbon


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Short summary
The e-TellTale, a new aerodynamic sensor, has been tested in a large wind tunnel at CSTB. This sensor has been designed to detect the flow separation on wind turbine blades, which can cause energy production losses and increased aging of the blades. These wind tunnel tests highlighted the good ability of the e-TellTale to detect the flow separation and the influence of the size and location of the e-TellTale on the flow separation detection.
Final-revised paper