Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Review article
24 Jan 2022
Review article |  | 24 Jan 2022

Damping identification of offshore wind turbines using operational modal analysis: a review

Aemilius A. W. van Vondelen, Sachin T. Navalkar, Alexandros Iliopoulos, Daan C. van der Hoek, and Jan-Willem van Wingerden


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Short summary
The damping of an offshore wind turbine is a difficult physical quantity to predict, although it plays a major role in a cost-effective turbine design. This paper presents a review of all approaches that can be used for damping estimation directly from operational wind turbine data. As each use case is different, a novel suitability table is presented to enable the user to choose the most appropriate approach for the given availability and characteristics of measurement data.
Final-revised paper