Articles | Volume 9, issue 6
Research article
20 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 20 Jun 2024

Improvements to the dynamic wake meandering model by incorporating the turbulent Schmidt number

Peter Brugger, Corey D. Markfort, and Fernando Porté-Agel

Data sets

Improvements to the dynamic wake meandering model by incorporating the turbulent Schmidt number P. Brugger et al.

Short summary
The dynamic wake meandering model (DWMM) assumes that wind turbine wakes are transported like a passive tracer by the large-scale turbulence of the atmospheric boundary layer. We show that both the downstream transport and the lateral transport of the wake have differences from the passive tracer assumption. We then propose to include the turbulent Schmidt number into the DWMM to account for the less efficient transport of momentum and show that it improves the quality of the model predictions.
Final-revised paper