23 Mar 2020
 | 23 Mar 2020
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Fundamental effect of vibrational mode on vortex-induced vibration in a brimmed diffuser for a wind turbine

Taeyoung Kim, Hiroto Nagai, Nobuhide Uda, and Yuji Ohya

Abstract. A brimmed diffuser for a wind turbine, also known as a wind lens, is a ring-like short duct that is installed around a rotor. It gathers and accelerates wind to improve the power generation efficiency from the wind turbine, and this effect results from vortex shedding intentionally generated by the brim. However, periodic vortex shedding can induce a vibration in the wind lens structure, which could potentially harm it in the case where resonance occurs when the vortex shedding frequency corresponds to the natural frequency of the wind lens structure. In this study, we investigated the fundamental mechanism of the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) in the brimmed diffuser structure at the Reynolds number of 288. A 2D aeroelastic analysis was conducted, utilizing 2D computational fluid dynamics coupled with the equation of motion in modal space based on the 3D FEM analysis. The 2D aeroelastic analysis provided a reasonable estimation of the critical wind speeds for the actual VIV observed in the wind lens structure. Also, we clarified the vibrational modes critical to the VIV of the wind lens structure, which are the radial and rotational modes of the brimmed diffuser section. Both modes were accompanied by the circumferential bending oscillation of the support arms fixing the brimmed diffuser and were susceptible to the vortex shedding patterns.

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Taeyoung Kim, Hiroto Nagai, Nobuhide Uda, and Yuji Ohya

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Taeyoung Kim, Hiroto Nagai, Nobuhide Uda, and Yuji Ohya
Taeyoung Kim, Hiroto Nagai, Nobuhide Uda, and Yuji Ohya


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Short summary
This study was motivated by a self-induced vibration observed in a wind lens, which is a ring-like diffuser for wind turbines. To reveal the fundamental mechanism of the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) in the brimmed diffuser, a numerical VIV simulation was performed using 3D FEM for modal analysis and 2D CFD for aeroelastic analysis. The result specified the vortex modes and vibration patterns critical to the wind lens structure. Also, this paper suggests how to estimate critical wind speeds.