08 Oct 2024
 | 08 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Integer programming for optimal yaw control of wind farms

Felix Bestehorn, Florian Bürgel, Christian Kirches, Sebastian Stiller, and Andreas M. Tillmann

Abstract. It is well-known that wakes caused by the wind turbines within a wind farm negatively impact the power generation and mechanical load of downstream turbines. This is already partially considered in the farm layout. Nevertheless, the strong interactions between individual turbines provide further opportunities to mitigate adverse effects during operation, e.g., by repeatedly adjusting axial induction or yaw angles to current wind conditions. We propose a mathematical approach in form of integer programming for globally optimal yaw control (under some mild assumptions). While we prove the wind farm yaw problem to be strongly 𝒩𝒫-hard in general, we demonstrate through numerical experiments that our method is efficient in practice and enables optimal yaw control under real-world requirements on control update periods. In particular, the approach remains efficient if turbines are deactivated and scales reasonably well with increasing farm width.

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Felix Bestehorn, Florian Bürgel, Christian Kirches, Sebastian Stiller, and Andreas M. Tillmann

Status: open (until 05 Nov 2024)

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Felix Bestehorn, Florian Bürgel, Christian Kirches, Sebastian Stiller, and Andreas M. Tillmann
Felix Bestehorn, Florian Bürgel, Christian Kirches, Sebastian Stiller, and Andreas M. Tillmann


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Short summary
Wind turbines organized in wind farms are an important electric power source. Thereby, each wind turbine causes a so-called wake with a reduced wind speed. This can influence following wind turbines and is an opportunity to optimize the operation of the complete wind farm, i.e., we steer the wakes to increase the total power output of the wind farm. In order to do this efficiently, we exploit repetitive structures within a wind farm.