Kite as a Sensor: Wind and State Estimation in Tethered Flying Systems
Abstract. Airborne wind energy systems (AWESs) leverage the generally less variable and higher wind speeds at increased altitudes by utilizing kites, with significantly reduced material costs compared to conventional wind turbines. Energy is commonly harnessed by flying crosswind trajectories, which allow the kite to achieve speeds significantly higher than the ambient wind speed. However, the airborne nature of these systems demands active control and makes them highly sensitive to changes in wind conditions, making accurate wind measurements essential for steering the kite along its optimal trajectory. This paper presents an advanced sensor fusion technique based on an iterated extended Kalman filter (EKF) for state and wind estimation for AWESs. By integrating position, velocity, tether force, and reeling speed, this method provides accurate estimations of system dynamics, including kite orientation and tether shape. The estimates of the wind speed and direction are compared to lidar measurements, showing a strong agreement across various atmospheric conditions. The results demonstrate that this approach can effectively capture the transient dynamics of atmospheric wind using sensors typically already present in AWESs, making it suitable for supervisory control strategies and ultimately enhancing energy efficiency and system reliability across diverse atmospheric conditions.