21 Feb 2025
 | 21 Feb 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

The impact of far-reaching offshore cluster wakes on wind turbine fatigue loads

Arjun Anantharaman, Jörge Schneemann, Frauke Theuer, Laurent Beaudet, Valentin Bernard, Paul Deglaire, and Martin Kühn

Abstract. With the number of commissioned and planned wind farms increasing rapidly, analysing wind farm cluster wakes becomes essential for resource assessment and lifetime considerations. Cluster wakes influence wind turbine power in downstream wind farms in certain meteorological situations. Our objective is to ascertain whether far-reaching cluster wakes (15 km to 21 km) impact individual turbine loading in a downstream wind farm, considering the influence of atmospheric stratification. We utilised SCADA data from an offshore wind farm and accelerometer measurements as the load proxy in the absence of load measurements to check short-term fatigue loading effects. We compared the absolute values of relevant SCADA variables of turbines in and out of the cluster wake. We found that while cluster wakes increase fluctuations of rotor speed and power, the load effects were lower than from turbines in the free-wind, primarily due to lower wind speeds. We developed a new methodology to quantify loads of turbines affected by the cluster wake while separating the dependency of loads on the inflow wind speed. The turbines within the cluster wake showed a small increase in the load effects (≈ 2.5 %) when compared to turbines in free-wind, but lower than loads of turbines within the wind farm affected by inner-farm wakes (both at same local inflow wind speeds). We also found atmospheric stratification and the inflow wind speed to have no impact on the magnitude of loads within the cluster wake. Additionally, we found no additional blade mode excitations due to the presence of the cluster wake from the analysis of load spectra. We conclude that wind turbines affected by cluster wakes have a marginal increase in loads when compared to reference conditions in undisturbed inflow. The absolute load effects in the cluster wake are lower due to the lower wind speeds. We propose the use of additional data from load sensors to further determine possible lifetime fatigue effects of cluster wakes on offshore wind turbines. These new insights can potentially add to the design standards of future wind farm clusters.

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Arjun Anantharaman, Jörge Schneemann, Frauke Theuer, Laurent Beaudet, Valentin Bernard, Paul Deglaire, and Martin Kühn

Status: open (until 11 Apr 2025)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on wes-2025-20', Anonymous Referee #1, 16 Mar 2025 reply
Arjun Anantharaman, Jörge Schneemann, Frauke Theuer, Laurent Beaudet, Valentin Bernard, Paul Deglaire, and Martin Kühn
Arjun Anantharaman, Jörge Schneemann, Frauke Theuer, Laurent Beaudet, Valentin Bernard, Paul Deglaire, and Martin Kühn


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Short summary
The offshore wind farm sector is expanding rapidly, and the interactions between wind farms are important to analyse for both existing and planned wind farms. We developed a new methodology to quantify how much the reductions in wind speed behind a farm can affect the loads on turbines which are tens of kilometers downstream. We found a 2.5 % increase in the turbine loads and discuss how further measurements could add to the design standards of future wind farms.