Articles | Volume 2, issue 2
Research article
20 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 20 Nov 2017

Impacts of the low-level jet's negative wind shear on the wind turbine

Walter Gutierrez, Arquimedes Ruiz-Columbie, Murat Tutkun, and Luciano Castillo


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Short summary
Low-level jets (LLJ) are fast flows in the low atmosphere, usually seen at night, with a wind speed peak between 100–1000 m above the ground. More wind energy can be captured if an LLJ is present. The positive wind shear below the peak augments the damage to wind turbines. However, our results show that the negative shears above decrease the mechanical loading. Therefore, reaching negative shears more often reduces the LLJs' adverse impacts and makes it more feasible to harness their power.
Final-revised paper