Articles | Volume 3, issue 2
Research article
20 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2018

Micro-scale model comparison (benchmark) at the moderately complex forested site Ryningsnäs

Stefan Ivanell, Johan Arnqvist, Matias Avila, Dalibor Cavar, Roberto Aurelio Chavez-Arroyo, Hugo Olivares-Espinosa, Carlos Peralta, Jamal Adib, and Björn Witha


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Short summary
This article describes a study in which modellers were challenged to compute the wind at a forested site with moderately complex topography. The target was to match the measured wind profile at one exact location for three directions. The input to the models consisted of detailed information on forest densities and ground height. Overall, the article gives an overview of how well different types of models are able to capture the flow physics at a moderately complex forested site.
Final-revised paper