Articles | Volume 4, issue 2
Research article
03 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 03 Apr 2019

Multipoint high-fidelity CFD-based aerodynamic shape optimization of a 10 MW wind turbine

Mads H. Aa. Madsen, Frederik Zahle, Niels N. Sørensen, and Joaquim R. R. A. Martins


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 23 Nov 2024
Short summary
The wind energy industry relies heavily on CFD to analyze new designs. This paper investigates a way to utilize CFD further upstream the design process where lower-fidelity methods are used. We present the first comprehensive 3-D CFD adjoint-based shape optimization of a 10 MW modern offshore wind turbine. The present work shows that, with the right tools, we can model the entire geometry, including the root, and optimize modern wind turbine rotors at the cost of a few hundred CFD evaluations.
Final-revised paper