Articles | Volume 4, issue 4
Brief communication
02 Dec 2019
Brief communication |  | 02 Dec 2019

Brief communication: Wind-speed-independent actuator disk control for faster annual energy production calculations of wind farms using computational fluid dynamics

Maarten Paul van der Laan, Søren Juhl Andersen, and Pierre-Elouan Réthoré


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Short summary
Wind farm layouts are designed by simple engineering wake models, which are fast to compute but also include a high uncertainty. Higher-fidelity models, such as Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes, can be used to verify optimized wind farm layouts, although the computational costs are high due to the large number of cases that are needed to calculate the annual energy production. This article presents a new wind turbine control method to speed up the high-fidelity simulations by a factor of 2–3.
Final-revised paper