Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Research article
27 Feb 2020
Research article |  | 27 Feb 2020

WESgraph: a graph database for the wind farm domain

Erik Quaeghebeur, Sebastian Sanchez Perez-Moreno, and Michiel B. Zaaijer

Data sets

WESgraph database exports E. Quaeghebeur and S. Sanchez Perez-Moreno

Short summary
The design and management of an offshore wind farm involve expertise in many disciplines. It is hard for a single person to maintain the overview needed. Therefore, we have created WESgraph, a knowledge base for the wind farm domain, implemented as a graph database. It stores descriptions of the multitude of domain concepts and their various interconnections. It allows users to explore the domain and search for relationships within and across disciplines, enabling various applications.
Final-revised paper