Articles | Volume 7, issue 4
Research article
13 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 13 Jul 2022

High-fidelity aeroelastic analyses of wind turbines in complex terrain: fluid–structure interaction and aerodynamic modeling

Giorgia Guma, Philipp Bucher, Patrick Letzgus, Thorsten Lutz, and Roland Wüchner


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Short summary
Wind turbine aeroelasticity is becoming more and more important because turbine sizes are increasingly leading to more slender blades. On the other hand, complex terrains are of interest because they are far away from urban areas. These regions are characterized by low velocities and high turbulence and are mostly influenced by the presence of forest, and that is why it is necessary to develop high-fidelity tools to correctly simulate the wind turbine's response.
Final-revised paper