Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Research article
04 Feb 2022
Research article |  | 04 Feb 2022

Development of a curled wake of a yawed wind turbine under turbulent and sheared inflow

Paul Hulsman, Martin Wosnik, Vlaho Petrović, Michael Hölling, and Martin Kühn

Data sets

Data Supplement for 'Curled Wake Development of a Yawed Wind Turbine at Turbulent and Sheared Inflow' - Wind Energy Science Journal Paul Hulsman, Martin Wosnik, Vlaho Petrović‬, Michael Hölling, and Martin Kühn

Short summary
Due to the possibility of mapping the wake fast at multiple locations with the WindScanner, a thorough understanding of the development of the wake is acquired at different inflow conditions and operational conditions. The lidar velocity data and the energy dissipation rate compared favourably with hot-wire data from previous experiments, lending credibility to the measurement technique and methodology used here. This will aid the process to further improve existing wake models.
Final-revised paper