Articles | Volume 8, issue 6
Research article
23 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 23 Jun 2023

The eco-conscious wind turbine: design beyond purely economic metrics

Helena Canet, Adrien Guilloré, and Carlo L. Bottasso

Data sets

Figures: The eco-conscious wind turbine: design beyond purely economic metrics H. Canet, A. Guilloré, and C. L. Bottasso

Short summary
We propose a new approach to design that aims at optimal trade-offs between economic and environmental goals. New environmental metrics are defined, which quantify impacts in terms of CO2-equivalent emissions produced by the turbine over its entire life cycle. For some typical onshore installations in Germany, results indicate that a 1 % increase in the cost of energy can buy about a 5 % decrease in environmental impacts: a small loss for the individual can lead to larger gains for society.
Final-revised paper