Articles | Volume 8, issue 8
Research article
25 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 25 Aug 2023

Enabling control co-design of the next generation of wind power plants

Andrew P. J. Stanley, Christopher J. Bay, and Paul Fleming

Model code and software

pjstanle/GeometricYaw: WES Paper (v1.0) A. P. J. Stanley

Short summary
Better wind farms can be built by simultaneously optimizing turbine locations and control, which is currently impossible or extremely challenging because of the size of the problem. The authors present a method to determine optimal wind farm control as a function of the turbine locations, which enables turbine layout and control to be optimized together by drastically reducing the size of the problem. In an example, a wind farm's performance improves by 0.8 % when optimized with the new method.
Final-revised paper