Articles | Volume 8, issue 11
Research article
20 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 20 Nov 2023

From wind conditions to operational strategy: optimal planning of wind turbine damage progression over its lifetime

Niklas Requate, Tobias Meyer, and René Hofmann

Data sets

Database of Short Term Damage Equivalent Loads (DEL) of IWT7.5MW wind turbine depending on wind, TI, yaw and derating Niklas Requate and Tobias Meyer

Short summary
Wind turbines produce energy over a lifetime of at least 20 years, and they are designed to withstand the induced loads from the environment. During that long operating time, we cannot avoid causing damage to a turbine and using up the utilized materials. To gain maximum benefit from the material of each turbine, we developed a method which makes best use of their given design damage budget by optimally distributing its usage over the operating time. An operational plan is optimized to do so.
Final-revised paper