Articles | Volume 8, issue 3
Research article
27 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 27 Mar 2023

Assessing the rotor blade deformation and tower–blade tip clearance of a 3.4 MW wind turbine with terrestrial laser scanning

Paula Helming, Alex Intemann, Klaus-Peter Webersinke, Axel von Freyberg, Michael Sorg, and Andreas Fischer


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Short summary
Using renewable energy such as wind energy is vital. To optimize the energy yield from wind turbines, they have increased in size, leading to large blade deformations. This paper measures these deformations for different wind loads and the distance between the blade and the tower from 170 m away from the wind turbine. The paper proves that the blade deformation increases in the wind direction with increasing wind speed, while the distance between the blade and the tower decreases.
Final-revised paper