Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
Research article
13 Jan 2023
Research article |  | 13 Jan 2023

Effect of different source terms and inflow direction in atmospheric boundary modeling over the complex terrain site of Perdigão

Kartik Venkatraman, Trond-Ola Hågbo, Sophia Buckingham, and Knut Erik Teigen Giljarhus


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Short summary
This paper is focused on the impact of modeling different effects, such as forest canopy and Coriolis forces, on the wind resource over a complex terrain site located near Perdigão, Portugal. A numerical model is set up and results are compared with field measurements. The results show that including a forest canopy improves the predictions close to the ground at some locations on the site, while the model with inflow from a precursor performed better at other locations.
Final-revised paper