Articles | Volume 9, issue 7
Research article
29 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 29 Jul 2024

Dynamic performance of a passively self-adjusting floating wind farm layout to increase the annual energy production

Mohammad Youssef Mahfouz, Ericka Lozon, Matthew Hall, and Po Wen Cheng

Data sets

SWE-UniStuttgart/FloatingWAYS: Beta Version (v0.2.0-beta) MYMahfouz

Video supplement

A passively self-adjusting floating wind farm layout design Mohammad Youssef Mahfouz

Short summary
As climate change increasingly impacts our daily lives, a transition towards cleaner energy is needed. With all the growth in floating offshore wind and the planned floating wind farms (FWFs) in the next few years, we urgently need new techniques and methodologies to accommodate the differences between the fixed bottom and FWFs. This paper presents a novel methodology to decrease aerodynamic losses inside an FWF by passively relocating the downwind floating wind turbines out of the wakes.
Final-revised paper