Articles | Volume 9, issue 4
Research article
05 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2024

Sensitivity of fatigue reliability in wind turbines: effects of design turbulence and the Wöhler exponent

Shadan Mozafari, Paul Veers, Jennifer Rinker, and Katherine Dykes

Data sets

ShadanMozafari/Paper_WES_reliability: wes-2023-47 ShadanMozafari

Short summary
Turbulence is one of the main drivers of fatigue in wind turbines. There is some debate on how to model the turbulence in normal wind conditions in the design phase. To address such debates, we study the fatigue load distribution and reliability following different models of the International Electrotechnical Commission 61400-1 standard. The results show the lesser importance of load uncertainty due to turbulence distribution compared to the uncertainty of material resistance and Miner’s rule.
Final-revised paper