15 Jan 2025
 | 15 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal WES.

Comparative anomaly detection for floating offshore wind turbines using in-situ data

Adrien Hirvoas, César Aguilera, Matthieu Perrault, Damien Desbordes, and Romain Ribault

Abstract. This study introduces a comparison between a kurtosis-analysis and a deep learning-based approaches for detecting anomalies of a floating offshore wind turbine. The study uses in-situ measurements from a 2.3 MW floating offshore wind turbine named Zefyros and deployed approximately 11 kilometers off the coast of Norway. The first method employs the statistical metric of kurtosis to detect anomalies within a signal by identifying variations in the signal distribution. The second method employs a deep-learning procedure based on an auto-encoder approach, which transforms inputs into a reduced-dimensional latent space and then uses the encoded information to produce outputs identical to the inputs. One month of SCADA and high frequency measurements obtained thanks to S-Morpho sensors were used in the study. Due to limitations in the accessible SCADA information, the anomaly scenario was simplified to detecting whether the turbine rotor was rotating or not. Both tested methodologies can accurately detect anomalies, with the ground truth based on rotor rotations per minute (rpm) measurements. The auto-encoder method shows promising results, delivering more accurate outcomes than the kurtosis analysis on this in-situ measurement dataset. This study is a first step toward a more general use of auto-encoders for wind turbine anomaly detection. The latent space build by the auto-encoder can be leveraged to detect other types of anomalies, with a few labeled data.

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Adrien Hirvoas, César Aguilera, Matthieu Perrault, Damien Desbordes, and Romain Ribault

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Adrien Hirvoas, César Aguilera, Matthieu Perrault, Damien Desbordes, and Romain Ribault
Adrien Hirvoas, César Aguilera, Matthieu Perrault, Damien Desbordes, and Romain Ribault


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Short summary
This study compares two methods for detecting downtime in the Zefyros floating offshore wind turbine off Norway's coast. The first method uses kurtosis to find signal anomalies, while the second employs a deep learning auto-encoder to reduce and reconstruct data, identifying irregularities. Using one month of sensor data, the study finds the deep learning method more accurate than kurtosis. This research advances the use of deep learning for effective wind turbine monitoring.