Articles | Volume 2, issue 2
Research article
29 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 29 Aug 2017

A validation and code-to-code verification of FAST for a megawatt-scale wind turbine with aeroelastically tailored blades

Srinivas Guntur, Jason Jonkman, Ryan Sievers, Michael A. Sprague, Scott Schreck, and Qi Wang


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Short summary
This paper presents a validation and code-to-code verification of the U.S. Dept of Energy/NREL wind turbine aeroelastic code, FAST v8, on a 2.3 MW wind turbine. Model validation is critical to any model-based research and development activity, and validation efforts on large turbines, as the current one, are extremely rare, mainly due to the scale. This paper, which was a collaboration between NREL and Siemens Wind Power, successfully demonstrates and validates the capabilities of FAST.
Final-revised paper