Articles | Volume 5, issue 4
Research article
06 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 06 Nov 2020

Evaluation of the lattice Boltzmann method for wind modelling in complex terrain

Alain Schubiger, Sarah Barber, and Henrik Nordborg


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Latest update: 09 Nov 2024
Short summary
A large-eddy simulation using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) Palabos framework was implemented to calculate the wind field over the complex terrain of Bolund Hill. The results were compared to Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes and detached-eddy simulation (DES) using Ansys Fluent and field measurements. A comparison of the three methods' computational costs has shown that the LBM, even though not yet fully optimised, can perform 5 times faster than DES and lead to reasonably accurate results.
Final-revised paper