Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Research article
26 Mar 2020
Research article |  | 26 Mar 2020

Rossby number similarity of an atmospheric RANS model using limited-length-scale turbulence closures extended to unstable stratification

Maarten Paul van der Laan, Mark Kelly, Rogier Floors, and Alfredo Peña


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Short summary
The design of wind turbines and wind farms can be improved by increasing the accuracy of the inflow models representing the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). In this work we employ numerical simulations of the idealized ABL, which can represent the mean effects of Coriolis and buoyancy forces and surface roughness. We find a new model-based similarity that provides a better understanding of the idealized ABL. In addition, we extend the model to include effects of convective buoyancy forces.
Final-revised paper