Articles | Volume 5, issue 2
Research article
30 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 30 Apr 2020

Cross-contamination effect on turbulence spectra from Doppler beam swinging wind lidar

Felix Kelberlau and Jakob Mann

Data sets

Cross-contamination effect on turbulence spectra from Doppler beam swinging wind lidar (data and code) F. Kelberlau and J.Mann

Model code and software

Cross-contamination effect on turbulence spectra from Doppler beam swinging wind lidar (data and code) F. Kelberlau and J. Mann

Short summary
Wind speeds can be measured remotely from the ground with lidars. Their estimates are accurate for mean speeds, but turbulence leads to measurement errors. We predict these errors using computer-generated data and compare lidar measurements with data from a meteorological mast. The comparison shows that deviations depend on wind direction, measurement height, and wind conditions. Our method to reduce the measurement error is successful when the wind is aligned with one of the lidar beams.
Final-revised paper