Articles | Volume 5, issue 2
Research article
23 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 23 Jun 2020

Two-dimensional numerical simulations of vortex-induced vibrations for a cylinder in conditions representative of wind turbine towers

Axelle Viré, Adriaan Derksen, Mikko Folkersma, and Kumayl Sarwar

Data sets

Data underlying the research of: Two-dimensional numerical simulations of vortex-induced vibrations for a cylinder in conditions representative of wind turbine towers A. Derksen, A. Viré, M. Folkersma and K. Sarwar

Short summary
Vortex-induced vibrations are structural vibrations that can occur due to the shedding of flow vortices when a fluid flow passes around a structure. Here, conditions specific to wind turbine towers are investigated numerically. The work highlights a complex interplay between structural and fluid dynamics. In particular, certain conditions lead to a continuous alternation between self-exciting and self-limiting vortex-induced vibrations, linked to a change in the sign of the aerodynamic damping.
Final-revised paper