Articles | Volume 6, issue 5
Research article
09 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 09 Sep 2021

Objective and algorithm considerations when optimizing the number and placement of turbines in a wind power plant

Andrew P. J. Stanley, Owen Roberts, Jennifer King, and Christopher J. Bay

Model code and software

stanley2020-turbine-number Andrew P. J. Stanley

Short summary
Wind farm layout optimization is an essential part of wind farm design. In this paper, we present different methods to determine the number of turbines in a wind farm, as well as their placement. Also in this paper we explore the effect that the objective function has on the wind farm design and found that wind farm layout is highly sensitive to the objective. The optimal number of turbines can vary greatly, from 15 to 54 for the cases in this paper, depending on the metric that is optimized.
Final-revised paper